
175 Pins
DIY Bracelet with Colorful Gemstone Beads
#PandaHall Idea on #Chain #DiyProject #Bracelets #Gifts
This contains an image of: Браслет из стекляруса и бисера
Браслет из стекляруса и бисера
This contains an image of: Pulseritas nueva colección ✨
Pulseritas nueva colección ✨
DIY Simple Pearl Bracelet | Pearl Bracelet Tutorial | Pearl Bracelet Aesthetic | Handmade Jewelry
This bracelet is simple but pretty. The golden color spacer beads going with the pearlscent making this bracelet classy and stylish. If you like this video, don't forget to like, save and follow us. Click the link to get more information about our store. 🙌