
23 Pins
Modern Business Cards PSD Templates Graphic Design Junction
¡Una bonita elección de colores! ¿Quieres las tuyas? Nosotros las hacemos
Slipcases | Presentation Boxes | Printed Slipcases | Material Slipcases | MJCP
Slip Case Presentation
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Tarjetas de visita - Gold
ShaynaMade - Etsy
#Design #DesignPorn #GraphicDesign #Graphics #Designer #Creative #Artwork #Packaging #PackageDesign #PackageDesigner #CreativeDesign #Card #BusinessCard #BusinessCardDesigns
Minimalistic Branding
Clean | modern | minimalistic | branding | gold tone | gold detailing | blue branding | turquoise
10 Little Things to Pack a Perfect Gift
#Design #DesignPorn #GraphicDesign #Graphics #Designer #Creative #Artwork #Packaging #PackageDesign #PackageDesigner #CreativeDesign #Card #BusinessCard #BusinessCardDesigns
All The Thank You Notes You'll Need For Your Wedding - The Garter Girl
With a Grateful Heart Thank You Card - Are you already saying thank you to your planner, mom, and more during wedding planning? Don't scrounge up that old box of thank you cards in the bottom of your drawer. Here are all of the thank you notes you'll need for your wedding from day 1 through the honeymoon and beyond curated by The Garter Girl. #gartergirl #thegartergirl #thankyounotes #weddingplanning
Gold hot foil business cards
Beautiful bespoke branded business cards, gold hot foil paired with delicate pale grey colorplan
Huwelijksuitnodiging Anneke & Bert (hot foil goud) - Studio Mustique
INFO | BESTEL HUWELIJKSUITNODIGING A&B - LOGO Een elegant monogram met de eerste letters van jullie namen, gedrukt in goudfolie als basis. Plaats jullie logo overal! Laat een stempel maken en verzegel er de enveloppen mee, versier je zelfgemaakte naamkaartjes en menu's en laat het vereeuwigen in jullie fotoboek. Het kan allemaal. Bij dit ontwerp kan