Uncover the Power of Bath Tea
Dive into the world of bath tea and discover its potent stress-relief properties. You might be skeptical, but you'll never know the relief until you try. A mixture of herbs and minerals can do wonders for your wellbeing. Click in to get our handpicked DIY recipe!
My Favorite Way to Start My Morning
The Ins and Outs of AG1: Get informative insights into AG1, a blend of vitamins, probiotics, and whole food sourced nutrients that provide an array of health benefits. A detailed guide to understanding what's inside this green drink and why it's part of my favorite things.
Better Living Tips for Highly Sensitive People
Discover effective coping strategies for Highly Sensitive People. This pin offers practical tips for self care, managing overwhelmed feelings and navigating the world as a HSP. Learn to cherish your sensitivity as strength, not a weakness.
Self Care Guide: Take Care of Your Whole Self
Ultimate Guide to Comprehensive Self-Care Offering a comprehensive understanding of self-care by diving deep into its five significant types - Emotional, Spiritual, Physical, Social, and Intellectual. Get tangible tips for each type and learn to harmonize all aspects for complete well-being.
Walking: The Underrated Vitamin D Source and Essential Mood Booster
Are you guilty of overlooking walking as a potent tool for mental well-being? Let's stir up some controversy! Explore the surprising connection between a casual stroll in the sun and your body's vitamin D levels. Discover how this could potentially transform your mood and overall mental health.
Learn How to Thrive as a Highly Sensitive Person
Embrace your Highly Sensitive nature with our informative guide on coping strategies for HSPs. Discover how self-care plays a crucial role in your day-to-day life and how you can take steps to make everyone’s experience better, including yours!
7 Days of Self Love: The Ultimate Guide to Treating Your Body Right
From DIY spa days, yoga, to nourishing meals, our second week of the 28 day challenge walks you through simple and effective ways to show your body some love. Click to explore practical tips and activities to incorporate into your daily routine!
This contains: main-character-energy
Unleash Your Main Character Energy!
Are you ready to take on the starring role in your own life? It's time to reclaim your 'Main Character Energy' by prioritizing your needs, embracing your authenticity and breaking free from people-pleasing habits. Learn how to reclaim your power with our guide.
Sleep Hygiene: Your Pathway to Better Health
Sleep Hygiene: Your Pathway to Better Health Are you constantly staring at the ceiling, struggling to fall asleep or waking up in the middle of the night? Don't worry, we've got you. Learn about the concept of sleep hygiene and how changing your habits can drastically improve your sleep and overall health. Click to follow our seven-step guide to revitalizing your sleep routine.
The 7 Essential Strategies to Enhance Your Sleep
Ready to give your sleep hygiene a thorough makeover? Join us as we reveal seven key strategies, from creating a sleep sanctuary to maintaining a stress-free evening routine. Packed with in-depth tips and guidance, this guide will help you discover how to fall asleep in just 10-20 minutes and enjoy restful, uninterrupted sleep. Hop over and start your journey to better sleep hygiene today.
A Wake Up Call to Slow Down: How Stress Sent Me to the ER
My eye-opening tale of a health scare and my journey to reclaim my life from the grip of stress. Are you ready to slow down too? Discover how I turned the tables on stress and started living again.
Morning Somatic Stretching Exercises for Beginners
Morning Somatic Stretching Exercises for Beginners amazing what somatic movement can do to your mental health and your body! So many people already enjoying the benefits of somatic exercises. trauma healing | stress healing | somatic therapy somatic healing | mind and body connection | self care and wellness ideas | somatic technique | somatic stretches | somatic bodywork | mental health
Food Sensitivities and Weight Gain - Understanding the Connection
Gluten, dairy and soy are the most common food sensitivities contributing to an inability to shed those excess pounds. By simply removing and substituting these inflammatory foods that cause weight gain, inflammation is lowered, cortisol levels are reduced and you can get rid of the cortisol belly.