Health & Health Care

Gonna start a company where people pay me $400/month for access to pizza, and when they want pizza they can call me for preauthorization and I'll tell them where they can go, how much they can buy, and what kind they can get. My company will pay for 50% after the first $250 spent. ~ @Progressive_RN Pizzas, The One, Starting A Company, Truth Hurts, The Hard Way, Medical Care, Figure It Out, Call Me, It Hurts
Gonna start a company where people pay me $400/month for access to pizza, and when they want pizza they can call me for preauthorization and I'll tell them where they can go, how much they can buy, and what kind they can get. My company will pay for 50% after the first $250 spent. ~ @Progressive_RN
This is the area of infection of the novel coronavirus in China
These charts illustrate the impact of COVID-19 in New York City.
the tweet has been posted on twitter
It's weird how American propaganda tries to justify the cost of their healthcare by trying to make people believe the almost free healthcare we have in Europe is shitty and we're all just living in squalor hoping we can move to the US at some point to live out our American dream. ~ @afterglowws
an image of a text message that reads, 100 % of the doctors at walter reed are paid by the government
100% of the doctors at Walter Reed are paid by the government. 100% of the employees at Walter Reed are paid by the government. Walter Reed is 100% government-run, socialized healthcare. That type of care should be available to every American as a right, not just the president. ~ @GunnelsWarren
a map shows the states that population has gotten a shot
Share of population that has gotten at least one shot (Februrary 1, 2021)
By mid February about 12 percent of people in the country had received at least one vaccine dose, and about 5 percent were fully vaccinated. Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention