Marketing Strategy

This may contain: a woman with glasses is making a funny face while pointing at the camera and laughing
the ultimate guide to a GREAT social media strategy
💁‍♀️ Here's the ultimate guide to revamp your content strategy: 1️⃣ Find Your Niche: Pinpoint that special thing that you do best. This is your spotlight! 🌟 2️⃣ Dive Deeper: Break it down! Choose 12 subtopics related to your specialty. Think of them as your fab dozen! 🌺 3️⃣ Google Magic: For each subtopic, hunt down 30 questions that people are asking. That’s right, Google is your BFF! Simply use the “People Also Ask” feature. 🎩
This may contain: a woman making a funny face with her fingers
This one marketing tip could transform your business growth forever!
Make sure to follow me for more marketing tips and strategies!
This may contain: a woman with glasses is talking to someone on her cell phone while wearing a gray hoodie
This is the BEST strategy for content creation in 2023!
This is the best content creation strategy and framework for 2023! Follow to learn my social media secrets! I’m Rachel Pedersen, wife and mom of 3 kids - I specialize in combining social media tactics with sustainable, long-term strategies to build profitable businesses that actually create an impact. - Rachel Pedersen
This may contain: a woman with long blonde hair is talking to someone on her phone and has the text 5 things you can do to improve your business and marketing today
Here are 5 marketing tips that can help improve your marketing strategy TODAY
5 marketing and business tips you can use TODAY - follow for more marketing tips!
This may contain: a woman is sitting on the floor with her hands in the air while talking to someone
Here's exactly how to grow on social media!
First, you grab the free growth resources linked in my bio. Then you do these: 1. MAKE SURE you're on platforms that work for your clients (i.e. platforms with tons of upside) like TikTok, YouTube, email list growth, Instagram with Reels (specifically). 2. Cross-pollinate your platforms from your other platforms. 3. Outbound engage x100. 4. Create. More. Content. 5. 5. Make more shareable content that is LESS about you, your client, your client's logo - and is more about your follower!
This may contain: a woman standing next to a couch in a room with bookshelves and pictures on the wall
Marketing resources to help you out!
Follow me for more marketing tips! I also have tons of free resources linked in my bio!!
This may contain: a woman with blonde hair wearing a black and white shirt in front of bookshelves
Marketing for the wedding industry and wedding vendors
Wedding content video prompts: 1. How I would design your wedding invitations (based on popular movie characters). 2. Pick your wedding invitation aesthetic (use popular movie aesthetics, like Great Gatsby, The Notebook, Beauty and the Beast). 3. If you love (insert book/movie name/fashion icon) then you will love these wedding invitations:
This may contain: a woman holding up a note with the caption if you don't know who your target target is
Here's how to find your target market - 4 easy steps
Who is my target market? I’ll show you exactly how to find your target market - with 4 steps. Imagine these for the people you’d like to be connected with serving! I’m Rachel Pedersen, wife and mom of 3 kids - I specialize in combining social media tactics with sustainable, long-term strategies to build profitable businesses that actually create an impact. Follow to learn my social media secrets! - Rachel Pedersen
This may contain: a woman with blonde hair is looking at the camera and has an instagram message on her face
How I've reached over 100million people for free with this marketing strategy
I've reached over 100million people for free with this strategy!!! I’m Rachel Pedersen, wife and mom of 3 kids, and I don’t have time for fluff, boring strategies or pretending to be anything but myself. I specialize in combining social media tactics with sustainable, long-term strategies to build profitable businesses that actually create an impact. Follow to learn my social media secrets! - Rachel Pedersen
This may contain: a woman holding a cell phone in her right hand with the caption action plant 0 - 10 million in years
Action Plan: here's how to go from 0 to millions
I went from broke to 10million in 8 years following this plan. Follow to learn my social media secrets! I’m Rachel Pedersen, wife and mom of 3 kids - I specialize in combining social media tactics with sustainable, long-term strategies to build profitable businesses that actually create an impact. - Rachel Pedersen
This may contain: a woman with glasses standing next to a horse
3 powerful marketing lessons my horses have taught me
3 Marketing Lessons from horses!!! The best way to learn psychology lessons for marketing - is by observing horses!!! I’m Rachel Pedersen, wife and mom of 3 kids - I specialize in combining social media tactics with sustainable, long-term strategies to build profitable businesses that actually create an impact. Follow to learn my social media secrets! - Rachel Pedersen