
263 Pins
Con esta chuleta ya sabrás qué café pedir cuando viajes fuera de España (INFOGRAFÍA)
Con esta chuleta ya sabrás qué café pedir cuando viajes fuera de España (INFOGRAFÍA)
Flat White | Australian Coffee
The flat white is a delicious coffee beverage popular in Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. #coffee
Donny's Bar brings some good old country vibes to suburban Sydney...
I love the decor in this cafe/ bar - particularly the wall lighting, but also the stools and those great little table decorations using old tins and glass jars
From Where I'm Sitting. (The Bottom of the Ironing Basket)
the idea of using small bright/cool/patterned cushions on barstools to brighten up/add interest to bar space in a cafe like this
why not make the branches more horizontal and wide, not as tall? and hang edison lights from the branches and LEDs woven on the branches?
12 Coffee shop interior designs from around the world
OMG!!! I love so many things about this...suh-weet tables! Awesome tile & tin. Love the bar & stools. Great light fixtures.
Page Not Found | Simone Anne Photography
Sightglass Coffee | San Francisco
Handpresso Auto Espresso Maker
Portable Coffee Maker // simply plug the Handpresso into your car and have fresh brewed espresso on the go within minutes! Genius design! #product_design