Dogs And Cats Together | Dogs And Other Animals

The framing of cats or dogs (cats versus dogs, cats rule dogs drool ..) is an outdated concept. The better framing is one of dogs and cats or cute cats and dogs or even funny dogs and cats. Because that's what dogs and cats together are. But we cover a few other topics too. Kittens and dogs, cats and dogs humor, and dog and cat jokes. We also look at the gentle dog's relationships with others in the animal kingdom: animals dogs, animals and pets dogs, animals and pets puppies. We hope you enjoy!
349 Pins
2 Sections
This may contain: a dog laying on the floor next to a black cat with it's paw in its mouth
#забавные #котики #собаки #жизньпрекрасна #всемдобра
This may contain: a white dog laying on top of a wooden floor next to a gray and white cat
This may contain: a dog laying under a tree with some little chicks
Would You Stop It! You're Embarrassing Yourself
We've seen that look many times before. The ways cats look at dogs (and vice versa) when they do, you know, what's in their nature. They're just fundamentally different ... but then, opposites do attract :-) #dogsandcats #catsanddogs
When We Were Young
This looks like one of those photographs you have in the house showing the happy couple before kids. Young and in love. Got to say that they make a beautiful couple :-) #dogsandcats #catsanddogs
French Bulldog
Frenchie Tale 💕 #FrenchBulldogLA #LABulldogs #FrenchieLove #FrenchieLifeLA #FrenchieVibes #LosAngelesFrenchie #LAFrenchies #FrenchieFam #FrenchBulldogOfLA #FrenchiesOfLosAngeles #LAFrenchBulldog #FrenchieLifestyle #FrenchieSquad #FrenchieAdventureLA #FrenchiesInLA #FrenchieNation #LosAngelesDogLife #FrenchiePlaytime #FrenchBulldogCommunity #FrenchiePawfect
This may contain: two cats playing with each other on a bed
so cuteeee 💖💖💖
Furry Friends Foreve
This heartwarming nose-to-nose nuzzle captures an unexpected friendship that transcends species. 🐶💕🐰 #GoldenRetrieverPuppy #BunnyLove #AnimalFriendships #CuddleAlert #PuppyAndBunny #Heartwarming #PetBonding #FurryFriends #LoveKnowsNoBounds #PetsOfPinterest