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This may contain: a plate with two sandwiches on it and the words cena 10'en memoo de
Idea De Cena En Menos De 10 Minutos | RECETAS FREIDORA DE AIRE ⏲️🍽️
¿Necesitas una cena rápida? Aquí tienes ideas de recetas en freidora de aire que están listas en menos de 10 minutos. Perfectas para aquellos días en los que el tiempo es corto pero el hambre es grande. #CenaRápida #RecetasFreidoraDeAire #ComidaFácil Instagram & TikTok: @Latoneira
This may contain: a person holding a sandwich with avocado and tomato on it in front of a tiled wall
Sandwich sano y rápido
Muy buena receta super rápida y ric. Si te interesa nuestro contenido visita o nuestro canal de youtube Síguenos en IG /sandwich /cocina sana /recetas rápidas
This may contain: the sandwich is prepared and ready to be eaten
comida rápida y saludable
This may contain: someone holding up a piece of bread with cheese and meat on it
¿Tienes pan? Haz estos Paninis crujientes y ricos!! 5 ingredientes
10min · 6 servings Paninis 🔥 con solo 5 ingredientes. Ideal para cenar o picotear!! INGREDIENTES: • 1 Barra de pan • Salsa de tomate o tomate frito • Orégano • 200g de queso mozzarella 100g de jamón cocido o jamón york 📌Todas las recetas en: 🔊 ÚNETE al GRUPO de Telegram y RECIBE gratis recetas • ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Si me quieres ayudar: • Guarda 💾 • Comenta 🗣️ • Dale al ♥️ • Comparte • Sígueme Gracias!!! 🙏 Recetas Fácil con Bela 💕 #panini #paninis #cena #cenafacil #recetasfaciles #recetasdecenas #recetasdeadolescentes #recetasrapidas #recetasfacilesyrapidas #recetasdecenas
This may contain: sushi keto stuffed green peppers with chopsticks
Comida saludable, sushi keto
Clic aquí para descubrir recetas igual de deliciosas: -Créditos a la cuenta del tiktok: soycetogenica_
This may contain: a person is holding a chicken and corn pita sandwich
Quick and Easy Recipe for Delicious Meals: A Simple Step-by-Step Cooking Guide for Every Occasion
Welcome to our cooking channel! In this video, we'll show you a quick and easy recipe that’s perfect for any occasion. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned cook, our simple, step-by-step instructions will help you create a delicious dish in no time. For more great recipes, cooking tips, and meal ideas, be sure to check out the best cookbooks in my bio. Don’t forget to like, comment, and share your thoughts — and subscribe for more tasty recipes! #EasyRecipes #CookingAtHome #QuickMeals #RecipeOfTheDay #HomeCooking #FoodLovers #CookingMadeSimple #HealthyRecipes #DeliciousDishes #MealPrepIdeas
Aprende a comer saludable con más de 400 recetas fáciles y deliciosas con mi libro de cocina saludable📗 Adquiérelo en el link de mi perfil🔗 #saludybelleza #diabetestipo1 #obesidad #nutricion #comidasaludable #receitas #diabetes #salud #mexico #estadosunidos
Tortilla pull aparts: @Marija Mazalin#foodies #food #fyp#tortilja #torta #recept #tortilla #pullaparts #Recipe #povlacilice #cake #jednostavnorecepti
Tortilla pull aparts: @Marija Mazalin#foodies #food #fyp#tortilja #torta #recept #tortilla #pullapar
Tortilla pull aparts: @Marija Mazalin#foodies #food #fyp#tortilja #torta #recept #tortilla #pullaparts #Recipe #povlacilice #cake #jednostavnorecepti
This may contain: a person holding a plate full of donuts with dipping sauce on it and another hand reaching for one
Churros receta
Churros❤️ Ingredientes 1 taza de harina - 1 taza de agua - 80 gramos de mantequilla - 1 y 1/2 cucharada de azúcar - 1/4 cucharada de sal - 2 huevos medianos - vainilla Preparación En una olla (agua, mantequilla, azúcar, sal) lo dejamos a fuego medio hasta que empiece a hervir Agrega la harina y revuelve durante aproximadamente 5 minutos. Deja enfriar la mezcla y agrega poco a poco la vainilla y los huevos. Colócalo en mangas pasteleras y dale la forma que más te guste. Freír churros a 170 grados centígrados Rebozar en canela y azúcar Y chocolate al servir #ChurrosRecipe #DeliciousDesserts #SweetTreats #EasyRecipes #HomemadeChurros #CinnamonSugar #SpanishCuisine #FoodieFaves #DessertLovers #ChurrosLovers
This may contain: there are many small food items in the bowl on the table, including muffins
Mozzarella stuffed crispy potato puffs
Ingredients 3 russet potatoes Salt and pepper to taste 1/2 cup mozzarella cheese cubes cut into small pieces 2 tbsp corn starch 1 tbsp fresh minced parsley 1 tbsp garlic powder Oil for frying Method: Peel and cut the potatoes into small pieces. Boil in salt water until fully cooked. Mash the potatoes. Mix salt,pepper, corn starch, parsley and garlic powder. Make small ball shapes of the potato mixture by stuffing small piece of mozzarella cheese in them , making sure there’s no crack in the balls. In a pan add oil on medium heat, once the oil is hot add potato balls, (do not overcrowd the pan / fry 5-6 balls at a time). Fry for 2-3 minutes or until golden and crispy. Garnish with chopped coriander and serve with your favorite dipping sauce.
Simple Smoothie Recipes for a Balanced Life
Create healthy smoothies that support weight loss and overall wellness. Our easy recipes are perfect for maintaining a balanced diet and staying energized. #HealthySmoothies #WeightLoss #DietIdeas