
25 Pins
Alfredo CK
Um lindo Koala bebê ! #Brown #marrom
You matter to us, even if we haven't met you yet. - signed, the Bunnies and All Other People Of Love. The bunnies and I want you to know you're this adorable to us because we see your inner wonderfulness. Until you see it too, and until you meet us so we can hug you, please stay. We don't want to lose someone as beautiful and dear as you. And so you can reach us, please ask for help if you need it, until you locate us. Our lives won't be the same if we never meet you.
❤ Amo las Mascotas 🐱🐶 (@AM0LasMascotas) on X
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Jajajajaja así yo #unratomasatulado
It's this look that melts me