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Completed » The Hare
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Art | アート | искусство | Arte | Kunst | Sculpture | 彫刻 | Skulptur | скульптура | Scultura | Escultura | Ophelia, Michael James Talbot
Glass Shard Animal Sculptures by Marta Klonowska
Shattered glass animal -Marta Klonowska
Polly Morgan: hasta el pajarraquismo y más allá
Polly Morgan - there's someone on the phone
Newcastle Civic Centre
Bronze sculpture of the River-God Tyne by David Wynne mounted on the wall of the Civic Centre, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England
Bust of a Goblin Spider (homage to a tiny 19th century 'crepe-paper' Japanese fairy-tale book, though looking entirely different). Goblin Spider was underway in this pic. She went off to a Grand-Guignol show at the Century Guild Gallery (very cool place!) in LA with a mouse in her mouth, and when she returns she'll go into resin.