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My next tattoo! This is the celtic symbol for strength and the arrows fron the compass that always guide you to go ahead and keep going
WHITE INK TATTOO "Mo chuisle" is an Irish term of endearment like saying "my love" or "my darling" or "my heart" but it literally translates to "my pulse".
Teaghlach, Irish for, Family I would put this directly under my current tattoo | best stuff
Rare Viking 'Triangle-and-Pellets' Gold Finger Ring Gold, . 8th-9th century AD. A heavy, substantial and highly decorative piece. The ring is made as a single expanding gold bar, curved and joined, with the hammered joint still visible on the internal face but not detectable on the external. The design consists of punched triangular details in four series: the outer ones bear a single pellet in relief placed close to the outer edge
celtic symbol for strength by Ad van der Doelen
I just like this not sure I would actually get a saying that means cheers but I like the shamrock in it