two cards with the words, i teach your students to this equatations game to promote robot / vocadularry

Algebraic Equations Buzz Word

Product Details
Translating Algebraic Equations - Buzz Word (Taboo inspired game)Students engage in this Taboo inspired team game which promotes increased vocabulary when communicating algebraic equations! Use this fast pace, fun and exciting game to aide student understanding in translating equations.In this game, students are not permitted to say the buzz words while classmates attempt to write the expression being communicated. This activity includes a total of forty-two playing cards. Twenty-four are ready to use playing cards, along with twelve cards with editable equations and six fully editable cards. The editable resources can be handwritten but is available as a PowerPoint Presentation or Google Slide as well. The editable cards are recommended for teacher use to meet the needs of his/her individual students or for student use to enhance the learning experience and increase understanding by allowing students to create the equation and/or correlating buzz words.The resource also includes full instructions for set-up and game-play, an answer key consisting of sample solutions, a brief instructions page for students, and a completed students notes page/reference sheet to be used prior to or during the game.$ave by purchasing a Bundle Buzz Word BundleSimilar Products by resource type Buzz WordNumeric Expressions Buzz Word (*Freebie*)Algebraic Expressions Buzz WordAlgebraic Expressions Buzz Word Independent PracticeInequalities Buzz WordSimilar Resources by topic AlgebraInequality Picture ProjectCombining Like Terms with the Distributive Property GameDistributive Property Game (*Freebie*)Combining Like Terms GameX Marks the Spot One-Step EquationsX Marks the Spot Two and Multi-Step EquationsIsolate the Criminal Teaching One-Step EquationsIsolate the Criminal Teaching Two-Step Equations