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Maia Henry on Instagram: "Bikini arms workout for toned & slim arms Full workouts 🔗 in bio Wearing @keepthatpump code MAIA • • • #transformation #tranformationchallenge #fullbodyworkout #fullbodyexercise #fullbodyexercises #athomeworkout #athomeworkouts #athomeworkoutvideos #workoutathome #medicineball #tonedarms #coreworkouts #workoutchallenge #30daychallenge #30dayworkoutchallange #fitnessmotivation #athomeworkouts #fullbodytone #hiitworkout #hiitcardio #hiittraining #gymftok #viral #bloom #bloompartner"
Jorge Foyo on Instagram: "🗣️BRAZOS FLÁCIDOS o BINGO WINGS‼️ 🗣️MUJERES presten mucha ATENCIÓN‼️ 🗣️Esta es la rutina PERFECTA para remover la FLACIDEZ en los BRAZOS, 4 sets de 10-12 repeticiones‼️ 🗣️Envíasela a esa AMIGA que ya no sabe que HACER‼️"
Maia Henry on Instagram: "Try this cardio method to get shredded for summer • • • #transformation #tranformationchallenge #fullbodyworkout #fullbodyexercise #fullbodyexercises #athomeworkout #athomeworkouts #athomeworkoutvideos #workoutathome #medicineball #tonedarms #coreworkouts #workoutchallenge #30daychallenge #30dayworkoutchallange #fitnessmotivation #athomeworkouts #fullbodytone #hiitworkout #hiitcardio #hiittraining #gymftok #viral #bloom #bloompartner"
Nicole Keshishian | KALEJUNKIE® on Instagram: "Follow @kalejunkie for more healthy recipes! This is my CRISPY RICE SALMON SALAD and it is packed with nutrition and TONS of flavor and textures! I don’t know about you guys, but I ate and drank a lot over the holidays and when January 1 hit, all I’m I can think about are loaded salads. This one is life-changing and you’ll be making it every week! Makes 4 large servings or 6 smaller Crispy Rice 2 cups cooked rice, cooled (I used jasmine rice) 2 tsp soy sauce 2 tb chili crisp/crunch (Trader Joe’s makes a good one, I used Momofuku this time!) 1 tb sesame oil Salmon 8oz salmon Pinch cumin, salt & pepper Salad 5 Persian cucumbers, thinly sliced (or 1 large English cucumber) 1 red bell pepper, diced small 1 small red onion, finely sliced 1 avoc
Recetas Saludables 🍍 on Instagram: "CENA FÁCIL Y DELICIOSA 🌟 ¡Verduras escondidas para hacerlas irresistibles! 😉 Usa berenjena, calabacín o calabaza en finas láminas, agrégales tomate y queso, ¡y disfruta! También puedes rellenarlas y hacer un rollito delicioso. 😍 📑 𝙄𝙣𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙨: 4 huevos Media berenjena grande Un tomate maduro Mozzarella rallada Perejil seco Aceite de oliva 🥣 𝙋𝙧𝙚𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙞ó𝙣: 1. Primero se cocina la berenjena por ambos lados para que esté tierna. 2. Se añaden los huevos batidos y, se cocina por los dos lados, yo le he dado la vuelta con un plato. 3. Añadimos el tomate a rodajas, el queso y perejil y con sólo el calor se funde el quesito 😍 Etiqueta a un amigo para qué preparé esta receta, y guárdala porque está riquísima 😋 - - - #ketodieta #
Maia Henry on Instagram: "Follow along for day 2 in this summer sculpt challenge to get you ready for summer! All workouts 🔗 in bio Wearing @keepthatpump code MAIA • • • #transformation #tranformationchallenge #fullbodyworkout #fullbodyexercise #fullbodyexercises #athomeworkout #athomeworkouts #athomeworkoutvideos #workoutathome #medicineball #tonedarms #coreworkouts #workoutchallenge #30daychallenge #30dayworkoutchallange #fitnessmotivation #athomeworkouts #fullbodytone #hiitworkout #hiitcardio #hiittraining #gymftok #viral #bloom #bloompartner"
Vida Keto Saludable🥑|Atención Nutricional y Recetas Saludables on Instagram: "🍝🌱 Espaguetis de calabacín con cherrys y langostinos Rica receta de @cenasparapeques y muy fácil de hacer. Necesitas 👇🏻👇🏻 • 2 calabacines grandes • 300 g de langostinos crudos y pelados • 3 dientes de ajo • 1 cda pequeña de pimentón dulce • 300 g de tomates cherrys • 150 de espinacas baby • 250 ml de leche evaporada o crema de leche • Opcional queso parmesano rallado Sigue las instrucciones del video🎥 Guarda, comparte y dame un ❤, si te gusto esta deliciosa receta #recetafacil #cenadeliciosa #comidasaludable #cenasaludable #dietaketo"
Marin Myers on Instagram: "Want to work your inner thighs? Traditional inner thighs exercises are great but it is nice to change it up, work different angles, build endurance and of course, start from the core. That’s how we program workouts at VB METHOD (@vbmethodfitness ) Here some examples of how we target the core with a focus on building endurance of the inner thighs. All on the mat. My favorite way to workout! You can try some of these flows such as: ✨ Inner thighs and core blast ✨ Inner thighs & hamstrings burn ✨ Inner + outer thighs ✨ Inner thighs flow Click the link in my bio and check them out! #pilates #pilatesstrong #strongmom #strongmoms #matpilates #core #fitover40 #momstrong #workoutsfromhome #homeworkout #virtualworkout #virtualpilates #pilatesonline #onlinepilat
Snejana Andreeva on Instagram: "Comment the word: RECIPE and I’ll send it to your inbox! 📥 recipe: This Valentine’s Day, we’re going to indulge in the Dubai Strawberry Cup 💖! We’ve all seen the Viral Dubai Chocolate Bar making its rounds on the internet: the famous $20 bar featuring pistachio butter, knafeh, and chocolate. This is my spin on the Viral Dubai Chocolate Bar; layered up in a gorgeous presentation, enjoyed by the spoonful. Freshly chopped strawberries 🍓 are stacked with buttery, crisp shredded filo and rich pistachio butter, and smothered in dark melted chocolate 🍫. One bite and you will be in heaven! Ingredients: 1 ½ cups shredded filo, or Kataifi 2 tablespoons butter ⅓ cup pistachio butter, or Biscoff 1 bar
Snejana Andreeva on Instagram: "Comment the word: RECIPE and I’ll send it to your inbox! 📥 recipe: This Valentine’s Day, we’re going to indulge in the Dubai Strawberry Cup 💖! We’ve all seen the Viral Dubai Chocolate Bar making its rounds on the internet: the famous $20 bar featuring pistachio butter, knafeh, and chocolate. This is my spin on the Viral Dubai Chocolate Bar; layered up in a gorgeous presentation, enjoyed by the spoonful. Freshly chopped strawberries 🍓 are stacked with buttery, crisp shredded filo and rich pistachio butter, and smothered in dark melted chocolate 🍫. One bite and you will be in heaven! Ingredients: 1 ½ cups shredded filo, or Kataifi 2 tablespoons butter ⅓ cup pistachio butter, or Biscoff 1 bar
Maia Henry on Instagram: "One of my favorite strength combo movements Join team define 🖇️ in bio • • • #transformation #tranformationchallenge #fullbodyworkout #fullbodyexercise #fullbodyexercises #athomeworkout #athomeworkouts #athomeworkoutvideos #workoutathome #medicineball #tonedarms #coreworkouts #workoutchallenge #30daychallenge #30dayworkoutchallange #fitnessmotivation #athomeworkouts #fullbodytone #hiitworkout #hiitcardio #hiittraining #gymftok #viral #bloom #bloompartner"
Nadia Aidi on Instagram: "Salmon Crudo, Spicy Scallion Sauce & Crispy Carrots 🥕one of my go to appetizers! So easy & delicious. Ingredients: * 6-8 oz sushi grade salmon. * 1 carrot (cut into very thin matchsticks). * 1/4 cup tamari. * 3 scallions (chopped but set aside the green part for topping). * 1 tbsp salsa macha or chili crisp. * 1 serrano (thinly sliced). * 1 large lemon. * 1 tbsp agave syrup. * 1 tbsp mirin. * 1 tbsp rice vinegar. * 1 tsp sesame oil. * 1 tsp freshly grated ginger. Directions: 1. Fry the carrots in olive oil until lightly golden and set over paper towels to remove excess oil. 2. Mix the light part of the scallions with the tamari, mirin, rice vin, lemon juice, ginger, sesame oil, agave syrup, serranos and salsa macha/chili crisp. Let it sit for 15-20 min. 3. Save
Alexia Suárez | Dieta Keto 🥑 on Instagram: "Si quieres que te ayude ADELGAZAR de 6 a 10 kilos en 4 semanas con comidas bajas en carbohidratos, Haz clic en el link de mi perfil para obtener información. ♥️ ✨SNACKS KETO DE AGUACATE; FÁCILES Y DELICIOSOS 😍 — ¡Estos Snacks son una excelente opción si estás en un proceso de pérdida de peso!🙌🏻 📑 𝙄𝙣𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙨 -1 aguacate -1 huevo -Jugo de limón -Queso Mozzarella rallado -Para decorar: Semillas de sésamo negro 🥣 𝙋𝙧𝙚𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙞ó𝙣: 1-Tritura el aguacate con el jugo de limón. 2-Agrega el queso rallado y el huevo, y mezcla bien. 3-Coloca la mezcla en una manga pastelera y forma bastones sobre una bandeja para hornear cubierta con papel encerado. 4-Espolvorea las semillas de sésamo negro por encima. 5-Hornea en un horno preca
Maia Henry on Instagram: "Toned legs & inner thighs workout! More workouts 🖇️ in bio • • #workoutmotivation #workoutroutine #waterboypartner #workoutvideos #workoutvideo #gymmotivation #gymrat #gymgirl #gymaddict #gymlifestyle #gymlover #strengthtraining #pilateslovers #pilatesinstructor #athomeworkouts #athomeworkout #fitnessmotivation #fitnessaddict #fitnessjourney #fitnesslifestyle"