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Free Easy Cross, Pattern Maker, PCStitch Charts + Free Historic Old Pattern Books
This is my Blog for sharing Old Pattern books and Pattern Maker (Hobbyware) charts. I have been charting for years historic patterns from ALL over the world. If I can find them and afford them, I purchase old Sajou, ALEXANDRE, and Dessins de broderie - STICKMUSTER-BUCH Booklets. Documents Anciens Broderie. 無料Sajouフランスのパターン集(クロスステッチ). Узоры вышивания в России. Punto Cruz.
niña acostada Bem vindo bebê!, incluí a la bebé en una cobija de crochet para mi nietecita
Resultado de imagen para atrapasueños en uñas
Twilight My Little Pony Kandi Pattern
Twilight My Little Pony Perler Bead Pattern / Bead Sprite