Tiny House

Everything about tiny living - tiny house design, tiny house inspirations, tiny house interiors, and tips!
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Tiny House Design Tips
Designing a tiny house often conjures images of intricate drafting and complex architectural knowledge. However, Tiny Easy is revolutionizing this perception by offering user-friendly software that simplifies the design process. Till, a co-founder of Tiny Easy and a dedicated proponent of accessible design, shared insights into this transformative tool during the DIY fest online event.
4 Tips on Installation and Maintenance for Tankless Water Heaters
So, you've decided to go tankless with your water heater? Good choice. But remember, it's not just about swapping out your old traditional water heater for a sleek, new tankless model. To truly reap the benefits of this energy-efficient technology, you'll need to pay close attention to installation and maintenance.
How to Easily Design Your Dream Tiny House
Designing a tiny house often conjures images of intricate drafting and complex architectural knowledge. However, Tiny Easy is revolutionizing this perception by offering user-friendly software that simplifies the design process. Till, a co-founder of Tiny Easy and a dedicated proponent of accessible design, shared insights into this transformative tool during the DIY fest online event.
3 Things to Consider Before Building Your DIY Tiny House
Before you immerse yourself in the exciting project of building your own DIY tiny house, there are three critical aspects you need to ponder. Financial planning is paramount - you've got to crunch numbers, account for every penny and prepare for surprises.
Benefits of Tankless Water Heaters
Welcome to the evolving world of tankless water heaters—a transformative technology enhancing the way we access hot water in homes, especially in compact living spaces like tiny homes and RVs. Delve into the practical benefits and advanced features of tankless water heaters that are setting new standards in efficiency and convenience.
3 Things to Consider Before Building Your DIY Tiny House
Before you immerse yourself in the exciting project of building your own DIY tiny house, there are three critical aspects you need to ponder. Financial planning is paramount - you've got to crunch numbers, account for every penny and prepare for surprises.
Tiny House Villages: What To Know
What's it like living in such close quarters? How does the community aspect work? Can this be a sustainable solution to our housing crisis? In the face of these queries, it's essential to fully grasp both the charm and challenges of such a lifestyle.
5 Factors to Consider Before Installing Solar Panels at Home
As we contemplate the switch to renewable energy, installing solar panels at home appears to be an appealing option. Nevertheless, we shouldn't rush into this decision without careful consideration. We need to assess our home's solar potential, understand the associated costs, evaluate panel efficiency, consider maintenance and durability, and analyze local solar incentives and policies.
3 Types of Tiny Home Insurance
You're certainly aware that your tiny home, whether on wheels or a permanent foundation, requires protection. But did you know there are three primary types of insurance for your tiny home that you should consider?
5 Factors to Consider Before Installing Solar Panels at Home
As we contemplate the switch to renewable energy, installing solar panels at home appears to be an appealing option. Nevertheless, we shouldn't rush into this decision without careful consideration. We need to assess our home's solar potential, understand the associated costs, evaluate panel efficiency, consider maintenance and durability, and analyze local solar incentives and policies.
Guide to Tiny Home Insurance
Tiny home insurance might not be the first thing people think about when buying a tiny house, but it's essential for safeguarding your home against unforeseen events.
Features of a Good Tankless Water Heater
When you're selecting a tankless water heater, you need to evaluate its output and efficiency first. Look for a high BTU rating and an Energy Factor (EF) of 0.9 or higher. The unit should be lightweight and compact for easy installation, and it's also crucial that it operates quietly.
Things to Consider to Save More Power in Your Tiny Home
Power bills adding up? ⚡ Learn what to consider for saving more electricity in your tiny home.
Things to Consider to Save More Power in Your Tiny Home
Maximize energy savings in your tiny home! 💡 Discover practical tips to lower your power usage.
How to Design an Energy Efficient Tiny Home
Building a tiny home? 🏡 Here’s how to make it energy-efficient and sustainable from the ground up!