Best Crystals for Intuition

Discover the best crystals for developing and enhancing intuition. On this board you will find stones and crystals for boosting intuition, crystals for developing psychic abilities and spiritual awareness, as well as crystals to help discover your inner truth and self knowledge. Browse Nature's Magick Australia's range of crystals and stones in our online store.
15 Pins
Purple Anhydrite (Angelite) – Nature's Magick
Purple Anhydrite properties: Crown, third eye and heart and sacral chakras. High vibration, expand consciousness, enhance spiritual connection and communication, strength, shedding past patterns, stamina, clearing toxins and stress, physical and spiritual healing.
Activate your Intuition
Activate and enhance your natural intuitive and psychic abilities with this combination of crystals! This kit include 4 crystals for intuition. More details available here.
Crystals For Intuition | Intuitive Development Tips
Use crystals to develop Intuition, it's easier than you think! Your intuitive development journey doesn't have to be as hard as you're making it out to be in your head. Grab this free pdf of the 9 crystals that will help support you in developing intuition. #psychicdevelopment #mediumship #intuition #intuitivedevelopment
Azurite Meaning - Gemstone & Crystal Meanings & Properties
Azurite Meaning & Healing Properties | Learn about gemstones and crystal healing and jewelry at #gemstones #crystals #crystalhealing #azurite
Top 3 Crystals to Develop Clairaudience (and how to use them)
Crystals can support your clairaudient development (plus, they are gorgeous!) Get the scoop on the best crystals to increase your psychic hearing and how to use them by clicking here.
The Best Crystals for Intuition - A Flourishing Soul
Are you looking into developing your intuition? Check out this blog post for the 8 best crystals for intuition! They're perfect for enhancing your psychic intuition #intuition #divination #crystals | A Flourishing Soul
9 Crystals for Intuitive Development | Develop your Intuition with Crystals
Are you new to crystals or starting to suspect that you're actually pretty intuitive? This video breaks down the best crystals for intuition, intuitive development & grounding yourself. Find out what crystals to use to help you develop your intuition. #Healingcrystals #Crystalenergy #IntuitiveDevelopment #Intuition #metaphysical #newage #Selfawareness #PsychicAbilities #Mediumship
Crystal Grid for Intuition: A Crystal Grid Recipe for Intuitive Awakening
Crystal Grid for Intuition: A Crystal Grid Recipe for Intuitive Awakening - Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy