Freshwater Fish | Aquarium Fish |

Rare Freshwater Tropical Fish | Angelfish | Tetra | Betta fish | Plecos | Guppys | Loaches | Cichlids | Barbs | Freshwater Shrimp |
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10 Sections
This may contain: a fish that is sitting in the water next to a buddha statue and some rocks
The emotional boy 😡
All credit to @betagram2469 on Instagram as the owner of this content. Visit our site:
This may contain: an aquarium with plants and rocks in it
This Guy Enjoying His New 25 Gallon Tank House 😊🤩
Source: Triniwilson On Reddit Looking For Crowntail Betta Fish?? You May Like This One ~>> #bettathailand #bettafancy #bettafish #bettasplendens #bettalover #bettafishcommunity #halfmoonbetta #naturephotography #aquariumhobby #aquascaping #aquatics #aquariumlife #aquariumsofinstagram #fishtank #fishcare #fishkeeping #nanotank #nanoaquarium
PlantedPro Aquascaping🐠
Watch fish swim and find your zen 🐠🌿 🎬 | ⚠️ | DM FOR REMOVAL! 🏷️ | Recommend @aquascapingidea ☘️ | #aquarium #fishtank #aqua #fish #plantedpro
This may contain: a fish that is swimming in some water next to plants and flowers on the ground
Very beautiful
Mesmerizing Angel Fish Aquarium #angelfish #aquarium
Experience heavenly beauty with these mesmerizing angels in aquarium. These fish are sure to add grace and elegance to your aquatic world. Follow @MrThinnny 📹 Credit @aqua_do_douce Follow for more content like this! DM for content removal and credit 🤳
PlantedPro Aquascaping🐠
Finding tranquility in every drop 🌾🌿 🎬 | @lsraquariumgallery ⚠️ | DM FOR REMOVAL! 🏷️ | Recommend @aquascapingidea ☘️ | #aquarium #fishtank #aqua #fish
This may contain: a fish that is swimming in some water
Captivating Betta fishes
Prepare to be astounded by the breathtaking beauty and incredible mysteries of Betta fish! We're digging deep into the enthralling world of these extraordinary fighters in this viral video. You won't believe what these fish have in store for you, from their vivid colors to their distinct personalities. This little video is a must-see for any Betta fan or anyone searching for a taste of aquatic enchantment. Prepare to be astonished by the captivating Betta fish! 📸 Source: @aqquuam (Dm for credit or removal / All rights® are reserved & belong to their respective owners) Follow 👉 @MrThinnny for more content💓
This may contain: an aquarium with a tree and fish in it
Community aquarium tank with Discus, Tetras, and Betta fish🐠🌿
This may contain: a siamese fish in an aquarium with plants and other aquatic life around the tank
Betta Fish in a Planted Aquarium
Koi betta fish in a planted Aquarium Setup • Aquarium photo credits to aquabat3000