
18 Pins
Amazing Felt Creations by Atsuko Sasaki - Gift Ideas - Creative Spotting
Japanese felt artist Atsuko Sasaki is an art teacher and by night a genius felter. Atsuko makes fascinating creations with felt with a level of perfection
Unit 1.1
Egg by Tomer Sapir: Slip cast porcelain set of lights. Fazer isto mas com cascas de cocos polidas com pó de ajulezo.
Patterns of Light | Their shine will surprise any design — DESIGNED
Patterns of Light | Their shine will surprise any design/ Image Source: Calabarte
Patterns of Light | Their shine will surprise any design — DESIGNED
Patterns of Light | Their shine will surprise any design/ Image Source: Unknown
10 Lamparas oficina originales -
lámpara de escritorio.... Y NO OCUPA MUCHO ESPACIO..... ;)
Pequeña lámpara de mesa de luz de registro LED Luz de escritorio Registro de madera real Hueco Oficina de cabecera inusual Madera reciclada reutilizada natural - Etsy España
Pequeño registro LED mesa de luz lámpara por Uniquelightingco
This Isn't an Optical Illusion, These Cracked Logs Are Really Bursting with Light
Lampara de Duncan Meerding
Luna: A Lantern That Looks Like a Moon — Colossal
Cuando la luna forma parte de la decoración. #Calux #Tendencia #Iluminación #Innovación #Belleza #Espacios #Diseño #interiores #Decoración #Contemporáneo #Idea #Frases #Inspiración #Innovation #Trend #Beauty #Space #Design #Interior #Decoration #Contemporary #Follow #Inspiration #Light #Arquitectura #Architecture #Luz #myhouseidea #interiordesign #interior #interiors #house #home #design #architecture #decor #homedecor #luxury #decor #love #follow #archilovers #casa #weekend #archdaily