Prayer & Scripture

Encouraging scripture printables, scripture cards, hymn lyrics.
65 Pins
Colossians 3:2 coloring page freebie
Download and print this coloring page to accompany a Sunday School lesson, sermon series, or personal memorization plan. Find printable scripture coloring pages for Galatians, Philippians, Ephesians, and more New Testament books, too!
Spiritual Habits for a New Year: How to Love Others
Practical ideas for how you can make it a priority to love those around you as an overflow of the love you experience in relationship with God. Suggestions for loving your husband, your children, your church family, and everyone else.
Scripture Coloring Pages, 1 Timothy, Sunday School and Sermon Activities, 1 Timothy Memorization, Sermon Notes
Scripture Coloring Pages, 2 Timothy, Sunday School and Sermon Activities, 2 Timothy Memorization, Sermon Notes - Etsy
Scripture Coloring Pages, 2 Timothy, Sunday School and Sermon Activities, 2 Timothy Memorization, Sermon Notes
Countries to Pray for in December
Take a prayer journey across the globe and pray for countries of the world in December with this list.
Setting Spiritual Priorities for Christian Women
Three spiritual priorities every Christian woman needs to make time for, and why dependence and discipline are the keys to growing in faith.
Pray Around the World October Country List
Take a prayer journey across the globe and pray for countries of the world in October with this meaningful homeschool project. #pray
1 Corinthians Scripture Coloring Pages
Download free printable coloring pages from 1 Corinthians. Use as part of a Sunday School activity, coloring pages for a sermon series, or for your personal scripture memorization. These Bible verses are ready to print and color!
Habits for a New Year: Spiritual Growth
Spiritual growth doesn't just happen while you sleep and go about your busy, distracted lives. It takes some intentional effort. Here are some practical ideas to make it a priority to grow in Christlikeness and create specific routines and habits to support that growth.
Setting Spiritual Goals for Christian Women, New Year Planning Spiritual Priorities Workbook by MustLoveLists on Etsy
Pray Around the World November Country List
Take a prayer journey across the globe and pray for countries of the world in November with this meaningful homeschool project. #pray
Creating Spiritual Habits for the New Year
Practical suggestions to implement a consistent habit of Bible reading and prayer. As you look toward a new year, a new season, or even a new week, here are specific steps you can take to deepen your love for God through spending time listening to His word and communicating with Him through prayer.
2 Timothy Coloring Pages
Download free printable coloring pages from 2 Timothy. Use as part of a Sunday School activity, alongside a sermon series, or for your personal scripture memorization. These Bible verses are ready to print and color!
Pray for Countries of the World in August
Download a list of countries to pray for in August. This list is part of a complete list of 197 countries to pray for over the course of a full year. Great for a homeschool project, part of your personal prayer time, or along with family devotions.
Pray for Countries of the World in September
Take a prayer journey across the globe and pray for countries of the world in September with this meaningful homeschool project. Visit the resource library to download a free printable list of countries to pray for in September, along with easy prompts to learn a little bit about one country as part of a world geography lesson.