Quotes for school

97 Pins
the silhouettes of two crows on a table with text saying easy creepy crow halloween craft
Google Image Result for https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgVQlcWbYo5-r-KwJZFthh0znCd2IOtaPabMIRN8jyepClnb1-42C_AS1Rzo9rXCL32BWUTEYrkfK1RjKuqLz-9tSwT8QW3WpSYklO6c9bWI8PRYD65LlMf8CCzeCzcrAk6iYCWZRwqpIU/s400/creepy-crow-halloween-craft.jpg
a foggy road with a lone tree in the middle and a quote from saint augustine
an image of a man with a quote on it
a man walking down a sidewalk next to a little boy
This is so true… I just pray that America can embrace this message. Let’s fight for the good, not between one another but for a better America and ultimately a better world. I have my doubts about the two party system anyway because one negates the other. Let’s fight for justice, honesty and our precious freedom.