Fl✿✿res, Luz y Color

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The art of the Japanese Chrysanthemum
Más tamaños | The art of the Japanese Chrysanthemum | Flickr: ¡Intercambio de fotos!
Fusion Flowers magazine - Jolita Furma from The Green Moss Studio in Ireland sent in this entry for the Fusion Flowers Magazine fun bridal competition. Good luck! Facebook - The Green Moss Studio | Facebook
Fusion Flowers magazine
Más tamaños | Submitted for Week #42 of "52 in 2013" flickr group. Theme "Abstract" | Flickr: ¡Intercambio de fotos!
Hoya pubicalyx 'Red Buttons' - World of Flowering Plants
Hoya pubicalyx 'Red Buttons' #hoya #plantopedia #FloweringPlant #flowers #FloweringPlants #flower #blooming #FlowerGarden