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Forma correcta de cortar frutas #shorts #curiosidades
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Pepinillos en vinagre: ¡Descubre la receta perfecta!
2.7M views · 56K reactions | Un médico chino dijo: La gente come chayote y no sabe qué efecto tiene en su salud. | Un médico chino dijo: La gente come chayote y no sabe qué efecto tiene en su salud. | By Creative Pepper | He consumes chayote and doesn't know what it can do to his health. I never imagined that chayote could do this. Chayote is the best natural medicine in the world and many people still don't know it. It is wonderful. It's stimulating, rich in vitamins, minerals and much more. However, there is a lot you should know. Urgently on the chayote. You'll treat hypothyroidism very well with chayote. You will treat diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol. Everything with chayote even you can treat gastritis with chayote and at the end I will show you the best juice in the world to fight diabetes and hypertension. So the chayote is wonderful and easy to access. It is refreshing, versatile and promotes several benefits as it is rich in calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, magnesium, potassium, mineral salts, as well as vitamin A, B, and C and B complex. These nutrients and chemical properties make it an ally in weight loss. Fight premature aging and improve vascular health. Chayote can be eaten added to juices, smoothies, lunches, and dinners or consumed as pickles, which preserves food longer. However, not everyone can digest it effectively. Now this recipe to end diabetes and high blood pressure once and for all. Chayote is the best food on planet earth to get rid of high blood pressure. Did you know that nearly eighty percent of the people on the planet have high blood pressure? And believe it if you want, half of them don't even know they have high blood pressure. And you want to know one more thing? Do you know anyone who has suffered a stroke? Ask that person what illness he had, she will tell you he had high blood pressure, if he has high blood pressure or diabetes, he is a strong candidate to suffer a stroke. And chayote has the most divine substance in the world called potassium. If you have high blood pressure and look behind your medicine. It is written that the formulation contains potassium. Pay attention and write down everything I'm going to tell you. You're going to get a chayote wash it very well. Cut in half into small pieces with the peeler. The tips have a lot of potassium, now take it to the blender, also add a small spoon of saffron, and lastly add a glass of water at room temperature. Now let it hit real good. Chayote eliminates swollen feet, high blood pressure, cholesterol, poor circulation, and anemia. When the juice is cool and ready to enjoy. Put it in a glass and add the juice of half a lemon. Because it has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition to fighting diabetes. Since it has many benefits such as reducing blood pressure, cholesterol, and stimulating metabolism. Our wonderful juice is ready. Mode of use. Take three times a week while fasting. And you can fight knee pain, swollen feet, high blood pressure, constipation, anemia, cholesterol, circulation. This is wonderful and a lot of people have no idea. I wish health and knowledge to my people. I'm staying right here. A big kiss. Stay with God.
Sabías que si colocas 2 tazas de frijoles en la olla de presión…
4K views · 25K reactions | 🥗CON ESTE PLAN BAJÉ DE PESO👇 🔥Perderás 9 kilos en 30 días con nuestro programa Método Keto Fácil obtendrás: 📚Plan Keto Personalizado Semanal - Crearemos tu plan de alimentación adaptado a tus necesidades individuales, gustos y posibilidades. 📕Guía de Adelgazamiento Keto y Lista de compras 📱Seguimiento 1 a 1 y Asesorías 1 a 1 profesional vía chat de WhatsApp 💬 Grupo de WhatsApp, Facebook y Telegram 📙 Guía de Ayuno Intermitente y asesorías 1 a 1 🥗 Libro de 200 Recetas Keto 🎁 Regalos exclusivos: guía de alimentación inteligente, trucos keto y más 📚🔥 👉 Comenta “INFO” o haz clic al link de mi biografía para acceder a todo hoy! #adelgazar #saludable #comeSaludable #adelgazar #dietaketo #PlanKeto #dietacetogenica #RetoKeto #keto #lowcarb | Recetas Keto y Low Carb!
PONQUÉ ENVINADO NAVIDEÑO 😋🫶🏻 #receta #recetascaseras #recetasfaciles #recetas #postres #cakes
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SALMÓN A LA NARANJA 🍊 😋 #receta #recetas #recetasfaciles #recipes #recetascaseras #salmon
Pepinos en conserva o encurtidos #pepinos
138K views · 30K reactions | Salsa verde☘️ English👇 Ingredientes: - 1 Aguacate maduro - 1/4 Cebolla pequeña - 1 Diente de ajo - 1cda Pimentón verde - 1 Puño pequeño de cilantro - 1 Puño pequeño de perejil - 1/2cda Mostaza - 3cdas Mayonesa - 1cdta Sal - 1cdta Pimienta - 1cdta Vinagre Difruta✨ . . . Green sauce☘️ Ingredients: - 1 ripe avocado - 1/4 small onion - 1 garlic clove - 1 tbsp green bell pepper - A small handful of cilantro - A small handful of parsley - 1/2 tbsp mustard - 3 tbsp mayonnaise - 1 tsp salt - 1 tsp pepper - 1 tsp vinegar Enjoy✨ #greensauce #salsaverde | Nancy Karim | Tambo · Very Demure, Very Mindful