
226 Pins
Phoenix 3.5 by Kamiya Satoshi, folded by me(Diagram Version)
Phoenix 3.5 by Kamiya Satoshi, folded by Matthieu Georger (Diagram Version)
Folded Paper Sculptures by Matt Shlian | Inspiration Grid
Folded Paper Sculptures by Matt Shlian
Max Bruckner 1906 polyhedra & icosahedron models
Max Bruckner 1906 polyhedra & icosahedron models | Graphicine
Max Bruckner 1906 polyhedra & icosahedron models
polyhedra & icosahedron models, from Uber die gleichecking-gleichflachigen, diskontinuierlichen und nichtkonvexen Polyheder, by Prof. Dr. Max Bruckner, 1906
Max Bruckner 1906 polyhedra & icosahedron models
Polyhedra & icosahedron models by Prof. Dr. Max Bruckner, 1906.
Online Creative Portfolios and Creative Jobs - The Loop
Macaw by Anna Trundle. This one is such a beauty, a paper sculpture made of different irregular shaped tetrahedra. It is often mistaken as an Origami model, but as you can see here: http://www.theloop.com.au/trundle/project/169457 the pieces are cut out of paper and glued together.
This is absolutely gorgeous. It looks so easy and fun. Can't wait to make it next weekend.
Creative Do It yourself Projects - Re-Use - Renovate - Recycle
This looks really cool!
Paper Crave - Page 25 of 799 - A Blog for Paper Lovers
look at these! bloody gorgeous... could somehow be adapted to my project... elizabethan ruff! ohohoh. (by andrea russo)
Origami Cube Ring Tutorial
A tutorial for one unit of the diamond-window cube ring. Origami Store!!: http://www.etsy.com/shop/TheOrigamiBanana?ref=l2-shopheader-name Where I got the id...