
1m2 video I 1m2 stairs by EeStairs I black staircase I Saving space, any RAL colour staircase design
Idea de escalera de caracol para un lugar con poco espacio.
Piso de 21m2 de Alberto Bravo (We Are Knitters)
Puf de lana peruana de We Are Knitters, maceta de mimbre de los 80, cabeza de elefante de esparto de Cestería Sagón, cojines a rayas de Casa Josephine.
Piso de 21m2 de Alberto Bravo (We Are Knitters)
Visitamos el piso de 21 m2 de Alberto Bravo. Cabeza de elefante de esparto de Cestería Sagón, maceta de mimbre de los 80 de la madre de Alberto, mesillas de colores de Habitat, cojines de rayas de Casa Josephine, sofá Erktop de Ikea.
You Can't Go Tiny If You're Tall. Or Can You?
Wes's tiny house design is extremely spacious, thanks partially to the foundation of the Tumbleweed's new Low-Wider trailer, which maximizes width and height.
Tiny Homes For Sale
I have found my dream house and it is 500 sq ft and can build it myself (well, contractors). Whidbey House from Tumbleweed Tiny House Company.
Building Plans & Blueprints for sale | eBay
Ft: 576. An estimated materials list for the doors, windows, and general wood framing, also in PDF format. Please do not redistribute PDF file. You may print out the plans as many times as you want.
Affordable Small House Plans | Small Home Floor Plans
See other cool houses on this site-- Affordable Small House Plans | Small Home Floor Plans
Here is one of the "tiny houses" being used as a beach house
Our Tiny House in Point Roberts, Washington
Eco-PERCH Treehouse by Blue Forest
Slice of Paradise: Crafty Cabin Looks Like a Giant Cut Log The effect manages to be cute without being kitsch, clever but still practical: a log-like loop of shingles wrapped around the core prefab home, itself (optionally) lofted adjacent to a tree, and aligned to take advantage of nature in a variety of ways.