Estudiante de medicina

22 Pins
We Heart It
imagem descoberto por l i z z y. Descubra (e salve!) suas próprias imagens e vídeos no We Heart It
We Heart It
imagem descoberto por heartbreaker. Descubra (e salve!) suas próprias imagens e vídeos no We Heart It
MDF Instruments - Stethoscopes, Sphygmomanometers and Reflex Hammers
Rose Gold MD One Stethoscope
Ich kann es noch garnicht richtig glauben. In genau zwei Wochen trete ich meine erste Stelle als Ärztin an. Einer meiner größten Träume…
It doesn’t need to be summer to rock our Sky Blue EON scrubs! Registered Nurse, @funny_girls_of_fertility makes this set look completely fabulous every season of the year! Need another reason to get this set? Yoga waistband. #scrubs #scrublife #nurse #RN #nursing
Hospital Medicine in Argentina - blog post coming soon!