Philippines 2012

Pictures from a trip to the Philippines, 12/19/12-1/3/13
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Statue of Miguel Lopez de Legazpi (a.k.a. "El Adelantado), first Spanish governor-general of the Spanish East Indies 1565-1572, later known as the Philippines). He established both Fort Santiago and San Pedro. More information about him here:
Cebu- Historical plaque outside the dome housing Magellan's Cross
Cebu- Stairs leading up to the ramparts of Fort San Pedro
Intramuros- Inside Fort Santiago
Corregidor- Inside the Malinta Tunnel. Today they feature a sound and light show inside the tunnel to recreate the history of the siege of Corregidor.
Corregidor- Entrance to the Malinta Tunnel. Built from 1922-1932 to serve as a bomb shelter. The inside of the tunnel is 24' wide and 18' high, with 13 lateral tunnels branching out from the main one. A trolley line runs through the middle of the tunnel and blowers supplied the tunnel with fresh air. The tunnel served as a hospital, communications center, and General MacArthur's headquarters during the siege of Corregidor.
Corregidor- Statue of Filipino soldier/farmer
Corregidor- Mural at the Filipino Heroes Memorial
Corregidor- Mural at the Filipino Heroes Memorial
Corregidor- Mural at the Filipino Heroes Memorial
Corregidor- Mural at the Filipino Heroes Memorial
Corregidor- Mural at the Filipino Heroes Memorial