Proyectos de arduino

32 Pins
Safe and Simple AC PWM Dimmer for Arduino / Raspberry Pi
Safe and Simple AC PWM Dimmer for Arduino / Raspberry Pi : 10 Steps - Instructables
[tutorial] MUX74HC4067
MUX74HC4067 Tutorial from codebender on Vimeo. This is a tutorial on the MUX74HC4067 library.
GitHub - dalethomas81/HamMessenger: HamMessenger is a portable device that uses a ham radio and the APRS protocol as a medium to send and receive text messages.
Can you move over? The 74HC595 8 bit shift register - bildr
[tutorial] MUX74HC4067
Safe and Simple AC PWM Dimmer for Arduino / Raspberry Pi
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Safe and Simple AC PWM Dimmer for Arduino / Raspberry Pi
Safe and Simple AC PWM Dimmer for Arduino / Raspberry Pi : 10 Steps - Instructables
Arduino Controlled Light Dimmer
Arduino Controlled Light Dimmer : 16 Steps - Instructables
Safe and Simple AC PWM Dimmer for Arduino / Raspberry Pi: Dimmer With MOSFET This circuit shows that dimmers intended for use at mains voltage do not always have to contain a triac. Here, a MOSFET (BUZ41A, 500 V/4.5A) in a diode bridge is used to control the voltage across an incandescent bulb with pulse…