86 Pins
Turn Plastic Bottle to pot planter as Swan
Turn Plastic Bottle to pot planter as Swan You can use a plastic bottle to make a planter in the shape of a swan. Just fill it wit...
Trampa Mosquito No hay más mosquitos! Cortar la parte superior de una botella de 2 litros. Invierta el cono y colóquelo dentro de la botella. Pegue las dos piezas juntas. Añadir 1 cucharadita de levadura y 1/2 taza de azúcar a un poco de agua tibia y vierta la mezcla en la botella. Los mosquitos son atraídos por el dióxido de carbono que exhala. La levadura se alimenta del azúcar y emite el mismo gas, por lo que el mosquito entra en la botella, pensando que va a encontrar comida.
Top 10: Greatest Bonsai trees - Bonsai Empire
One of the most famous Bonsai trees that belongs to the collection of an European Bonsai artist (Walter Pall), this tree is incredibly fine and realistic. The maple is big (almost a meter high, which is the maximum to be called a Bonsai tree) and over a hundred years old. A masterpiece without doubt, styled by an inspiring artist!
Wonderful DIY Cute Tire Snowman
DIY cute tire snowman--> http://wonderfuldiy.com/wonderful-diy-cute-tire-snowman/ #diy #snowman
Old Tires as a Flower Pots
How to Recycle: Old Tires as a Flower Pots
Home and Garden DIY Ideas
14 clever new uses for old tires - click through for full projects.
Photo Storage
Table made out of old Tires
Seats made from old tires, colorful and they look really easy! Not sure I like the look but great idea
40+ Creative DIY Ideas to Repurpose Old Tire into Animal Shaped Garden Decor
40+ Creative DIY Ideas to Repurpose Old Tire into Animal Shaped Garden Decor | iCreativeIdeas.com Follow Us on Facebook --> https://www.facebook.com/icreativeideas
ADVERTISEMENT It’s still too early to start planting things outside but that doesn’t mean that I can’t start planning out my garden. I am excited for this year! I am have been pinning, Googling, and researching like crazy. One idea that I really like is turning old tires into garden pots/planters. They drain really well […]