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Công thức #Vsco nâu tuyệt đẹp
#K3mrfilters 🗯️ – Antes y después en @mr.filters2. 🦀 – filtro anaranjado, con tono cálido y partes obscuras las hace verdes sutilmente,…
okay i have 6-7 libra friends but still let me give it a shot. (Btw this filter is good for pics taken with a flash on) okay so libra people are very aesthetic as well!!! idk about you guys but most of my libra friends are clingy and they hate to be alone, they always wanted someone to talk to and to tell someone how their day went. OMG i almost forgot libras are MEME TRASH (not trash trash but they really love memes A LOT) + they dont want to disappoint people thats why sometimes it's ha...
Azul azul ¡AZUL!❤
vsco functions
Resultado de imagen para vsco functions traduccion