curvadora de lámina

12 Pins
Slip Roller, by P. Duhamel
Description: 1 meter long capacity manual slip roller. Possibility to install electic motor. The roller have also 3 different radius groves for round stock. Also possibility to install dies on the shaft extremity for rolling other material. The main roller have 10mm wall thickness (they wont bend). Build Process: I use 20 mm plates for main support. 5 mm plate for base. I use flange pillow block 30 mm for bearings. Roller turn by a local suppier in Danang City. Plate model pre cut on my CNC...
Just finished my slip-roll...
Just finished my slip-roll... by Jim In Idaho - I've spent most of my time, for the last 3 weeks building this 24" slip roll. Modelled on Vince Gingery's design, but with 2" heavy-wall tubes, with solid ends, and 3/4" bearings rather than 1/2". Should easily handle 16 ga. material, and probably 14ga. I made a few other improvements, also.Jim
Just finished my slip-roll...
Slip Roll by Jim In Idaho - I've spent most of my time, for the last 3 weeks building this 24" slip roll. Modelled on Vince Gingery's design, but with 2" heavy-wall tubes, with solid ends, and 3/4" bearings rather than 1/2". Should easily handle 16 ga. material, and probably 14ga.
Slip Roller, by P. Duhamel
Description: 1 meter long capacity manual slip roller. Possibility to install electic motor. The roller have also 3 different radius groves for round stock. Also possibility to install dies on the shaft extremity for rolling other material. The main roller have 10mm wall thickness (they wont bend). Build Process: I use 20 mm plates for main support. 5 mm plate for base. I use flange pillow block 30 mm for bearings. Roller turn by a local suppier in Danang City. Plate model pre cut on my CNC...
calandra projetada no inventor
calandra projetada no inventor