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Mental health with Omoye on Instagram: "How to be attractive. #mentalhealthadvocate #mentalhealthawareness #psychologyfacts #mentalwellness"
4.7K views · 5.1K reactions | Steve Jobs believed that most people miss opportunities simply because they never ask. He shared a personal story about calling Bill Hewlett, co-founder of Hewlett-Packard, when he was just 12 years old. Jobs asked for spare parts to build a frequency counter, and not only did Hewlett provide them, but he also gave him a summer job at HP. This experience taught Jobs a key lesson: people are often willing to help if you just reach out. According to him, the difference between dreamers and doers is the willingness to take action and put themselves out there. | Startup Bell
4.7K views · 5.1K reactions | Steve Jobs believed that most people miss opportunities simply because they never ask. He shared a personal story about calling Bill Hewlett, co-founder of Hewlett-Packard, when he was just 12 years old. Jobs asked for spare parts to build a frequency counter, and not only did Hewlett provide them, but he also gave him a summer job at HP. This experience taught Jobs a key lesson: people are often willing to help if you just reach out. According to him, the difference between dreamers and doers is the willingness to take action and put themselves out there. | Startup Bell
Create Kids Inc on Instagram: "🗣The most important thing about raising confident children is giving them a voice. That's because peer pressure, bullying and unsafe dynamics are really about POWER. If a child has the capacity and the confidence to speak up, say how they are feeling, ask for help, and self-advocate, it's much easier to COUNTERACT power plays. 📌These phrases help a child demonstrate: 🛑That they understand a person's negative intent 🛑Are expecting others to be respectful 🛑That they will not tolerate being the scapegoat 🛑That they establish boundaries and know what they can control 🛑That they know safety comes first and are willing to ask for help 😬This is important because a child who can identify that they feel scared, sad, or lonely when a peer is attempting to in
Create Kids Inc on Instagram: "🗣Our inner voice is a valuable self-regulatory and motivational tool. It's powerful! It helps our brain work through thoughts and also INTERNALIZE them too. It can be our biggest ally or our biggest nemesis. Our inner voice rules our: 🔸emotional expression and regulation 🔸ability to plan for communicative interaction 🔸theory of mind 🔸self-discrimination 🔸fantasy and creativity 🔸autobiographical memory How parents develop a child's inner voice will impact more than they think! 📌It will influence: 💭 How independent a child feels when exploring, playing or even doing school work 💭 How emotionally aware and regulated a child is/can be 💭 How resilient a child is when dealing with frustration or failure 💭 How supportive they are to themselves while
Kimberly Conicella (MEd + BA Comms) on Instagram: "Let’s talk about FRENEMIES. You know the kids that mask themselves as your child’s friend but in actual fact, they like to be nasty to them instead. Frenemies are easily spotted when you know what to look for. Start by asking your child ‘What makes a good friend?’ then ask them ‘What makes YOU a good friend?’ Getting them using their self awareness to think critically about themselves encourages them to become more self aware. Then try following it up with a discussion around ‘what a quality friend looks like compared to a toxic friend (or frenemy). As you dive into this discussion, ask your child what kind of friends do they hang around with? Quality ones or toxic ones? This is the first step - getting them aware of the people aroun
Kimberly Conicella (MEd + BA Comms) on Instagram: "It can really feel like you’ve been fobbed off. And being the courageous and activated parent YOU are, this is simply not good enough! It’s time to stop waiting for the school to come to you. YOU are your child’s advocate, so let’s show up as the activated parent with a clear plan to take ACTION! How? 1. Organise a meeting and show up with evidence! Even if you’ve simply kept a written record of your child’s experience with bullying, take it with you. 2. Ask to see the school’s anti-bullying policy and any programs they use that covers bullying prevention. 3. Get them to outline their plan of action to resolve this issue for your child. 4. Organise a follow up meeting to discuss how their approach is going and what tweaks or changes are
1.3M views · 41K reactions | Choose A Man That Chooses You #relationship #relationshipcoach #relationshipadvice | Choose A Man That Chooses You #relationship #relationshipcoach #relationshipadvice | By Ismael Gomez III | Choose a man that chooses you. Okay? Forget how tall he is, how intelligent or charming or any of the qualities he possesses. The number one thing you should focus on is whether he makes you a priority in his life. The mistake that I see many women make is focusing on the person that they like not on the person that is good for them. Forget about attraction and focus on intention. Because let me tell you, if you don't know the difference between these two, you'll end up wasting years of your life in the wrong relationships. You
958K views · 29K reactions | Choose A Man That Chooses You #relationship #relationshipcoach #relationshipadvice | Choose A Man That Chooses You #relationship #relationshipcoach #relationshipadvice | By Ismael Gomez III | Choose a man that chooses you. Okay? Forget how tall he is, how intelligent or charming or any of the qualities he possesses. The number one thing you should focus on is whether he makes you a priority in his life. The mistake that I see many women make is focusing on the person that they like not on the person that is good for them. Forget about attraction and focus on intention. Because let me tell you, if you don't know the difference between these two, you'll end up wasting years of your life in the wrong relationships. You
2.5M views · 41K reactions | What makes popular kids popular? 🤔 | Body Language Expert, Vanessa Van Edwards, reveals the one reason some kids are more popular than others... 👀 | By Steve Bartlett | Facebook
1.9M views · 29K reactions | What makes popular kids popular? 🤔 | Body Language Expert, Vanessa Van Edwards, reveals the one reason some kids are more popular than others... 👀 | By Steve Bartlett | Facebook
Create Kids Inc on Instagram: "🤝Friendship is one of life’s most important lessons to learn, and parents play a key role in guiding kids through it. 👇 Let kids know: ✨ Not everyone will understand or appreciate you, and that’s normal. ✨ True friends value your boundaries and won’t make you feel guilty for setting them. ✨ The right friends will love you just as you are. ✨ It’s okay to walk away from relationships that aren’t healthy or kind. ✨ Building solid friendships takes patience, but it’s worth the wait. Want to help these truths stick? 🎭 Try role-playing different scenarios with your child to help them practice setting boundaries and recognizing healthy relationships. These conversations build confidence and empower your child to make positive friendship choices! ❤ #paren
Coconote Ai 🥥 on Instagram: "Thanks professor for solving my ADHD problem forever! #ai #adhd #collegelife #professor"
Create Kids Inc on Instagram: "💪 Siblings can be a lifelong source of support and connection, BUT they are not guaranteed friends. 😅 That can be true if parents don't support children with 🔹ways to problem solve together 🔹respect each other 🔹help them become considerate of one another These scripts are perfect for just that! 👉Children need to know how special it is to have a great relationship with their siblings, and there are really fun ways for parents to support this idea. Try these: 🍕 Organize sibling dates - let them decide on a movie to go watch or a restaurant to have lunch in, then give them private time on their own. 🧩 Solve puzzles or games together - Solving puzzles together, like Crossword puzzles, is not only fun but also a great way to reminisce and challeng
Kimberly Conicella (MEd + BA Comms) on Instagram: "It’s Eye Contact! Yep, you heard me…Let me explain… Teach your child to turn, SAY NOTHING, but just look the bully in the eyes for a few moments. The bully might keep sniggering, but they’ll also feel uncomfortable and sink back. Once they’ve starred the bully in the eyes for a moment, then turn around and walk away without looking back. Teachers have been using this strategy in class for years! Can you remember being in class and someone was misbehaving? The teacher would turn and look the disruptive student IN THE EYES and say nothing… and the student would sink back into their seat. Its the same for bullying. If your child is being bullied and the bully says something nasty in front of a group of kids who laugh at the remark. (The
Create Kids Inc on Instagram: "Post #1 of 2024 🤩Good friends are a form of protection. They are rare, precious and they make us feel valuable. They stand firm through all kinds of weather BUT they also know how to be soft and bend when it's necessary. 👉Parents need to teach kids the value of being a good friend because many kids miss out on real loving connections. 🚩Some of this is because their home is missing open and active parents and sometimes its because social media creates more superficial relationships based on things instead of ones based on inner qualities. 📌That's why it's just as important to teach kids what bad friendships look like: 🟣No mutual respect for boundaries, time, and effort. 🟣Has feelings of jealousy or envy so they can't feel happy for you. 🟣Only seems t
Create Kids Inc on Instagram: "These are powerful because they give kids the courage to fight their OWN NEGATIVITY. 😓👇 It shows up for us when things are hardest. It helps us stay with it or try again. 💪Practicing these with your child means they WILL have a response when things get hard. Instead of shutting down, they will be able to move past the anger, frozen feelings, or overwhelm so they can jumpstart their brain towards action. 📌Resilience is more important than we understand. It's the foundation of all of our accomplishments. Without sticking through hard things, we learn and do fewer things. Save this post for 9 great responses that build resilience in kids. Practicing them reshape the way your children think and how confident they are in themselves. The results last a lif