
28 Pins
Want Plants In Your Home But Don't Know Where To Put Them? These DIY Macrame Plant Hangers Are The Perfect Solution
Growing fall vegetables in colder climates can be a gamble, but these crops mature quickly so you can grow more food in your fall garden.
Vegetables, vegetable garden, shade vegetables, gardening 101, popular pin, gardening hacks, gardening tips.
How Lemon Trees Make You a Better Garden Lover
To have juicy lemons in your home, start growing from seeds in pots. It is easy and inexpensive way to grow lemon indoors. For this you need to maintain suitable conditions like soil pH, water and sunlight, nutrients to thrive faster… domain name is for sale. Inquire now.
how to grow tangerines from seeds
Aus Plastikflaschen wird ein Indoor-Garten
Britta Riley aus New York hatte die Idee: Warum Gemüse nicht selbst anbauen, in der eigenen Wohnung? Sie stellte ihre Anleitung ins Internet und seitdem tauschen sich Tausende Minigärtner weltweit übers Pflanzenzüchten in der Vertikalen aus. HANDMADE Kultur wollte mitreden … weiterlesen