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21 Echeveria agavoides varieties to add to your Plant Collection
Echeveria agavoides are commonly referred to as the Molded Wax Agave. Agavoides means “agave like”, hence the nickname. These stemless succulents produce stunning star-shaped rosettes up to 5 inches (12.5 cm) tall. Thick triangular leaves grow up to 8 inches (20 cm) in diameter. Most varieties have green leaves and reddish pointed tips. Indeed more acute than the other echeverias. Some varieties have slightly red to very red margins.
Graptoveria Lovely Rose
Graptoveria Lovely Rose es un hibrido creado en Corea del cual se desconocen sus parentales. Forman rosetas cuya forma se asemeja a una rosa.
Agave y mezcal: conozca las 12 variedades de agave
Agave y mezcal: conozca las 12 variedades de agave
Echeveria agavoides Red Tips
Descubre los cuidados y métodos de propagación de la hermosa Echeveria agavoides Red Tips. Aprende cómo tener esta suculenta en tu hogar.
Kalanchoe Luciae "Flapjack Succulent" - The Tilth
The kalanchoe Luciae "Flapjack Succulent"is a Phanerógama species of Kalanchoe, which belongs to the family Crassulaceae, which is native to South Africa and
Aloe squarrosa vs Aloe juvenna
Aloe squarrosa vs Aloe juvenna – AloeHoarder
Aloe nobilis "Gold-Tooth Aloe" | Succulents and Sunshine
Aloe nobilis "Gold-Tooth Aloe" | Succulents and Sunshine
Aloe deltoideodonta 'Delta Lights', Aloe 'Delta Lights' in GardenTags plant encyclopedia
Aloe deltoideodonta 'Delta Lights', Aloe 'Delta Lights' in GardenTags plant encyclopedia
Growing Aloe Deltoideodonta: Caring For Aloe Rosii
Aloe deltoideodonta is named for the triangular teeth along the edges of leaves, hailing from south-central Madagascar. It makes a wonderful addition for Aloe lovers looking for something on the smaller side of the wide Aloe plant spectrum.