
173 Pins
This may contain: a person holding a pastry in their hand with the words pan nube on it
Pan nube ☁️
15min · 2 servings ¡Sigue a @habitosaludablestips para no perderte ninguna receta! Para 2 sandwiches: • 🔸4 huevos 🔸1 cda colmada de queso crema light Coccion: 10 minutos a 200 grados (horno precalentado) Lo rellenas con lo que queres! 🤤 Dale me gusta y guarda para hacer más tarde 😋 📹 @being.healthyy #pan#singluten#pansingluten#desayuno
This may contain: someone is holding up a tortilla with tomatoes and avocado
Tortilla de avena
This may contain: a pizza with tomatoes, cheese and avocado on it in a skillet
Desayuno, recetas saludables, recetas sanas, desayuno saludable, fitness, adelgazar, bajar de peso
This may contain: a person is cooking dumplings in a pan with the words la mejor picacia on it
La mejor focaccia
This may contain: a glass filled with milk next to sliced pineapples
Piña colada sin alcohol | Receta paso a paso
This may contain: a piece of cheesecake on a plate with caramel sauce
Flan Casero
This may contain: a girl is smiling while holding up some tortillas
Rapiditas caseras ( fajitas)
This may contain: there is a small potted plant with green leaves in it and the words, trucos para cultivar albahaca en repientes
Trucos para cultivar albahaca en recipientes