T O P O G I G I O.

15 Pins
Exposição Brinquedos Antigos da Estrela - Topo Gigio
Monumento, Arquitetura e Arte: Exposição Brinquedos Antigos da Estrela - Topo Gigio
Objectos Anos 80: Boneco do Topo Gigio
Topo Gigio, a soft foam mouse with dreamy eyes and childish personality, was very popular in Italy for many years — not only on TV but also in children magazines, such as the clical Corriere dei Piccoli, animated cartoons, movies, and merchandising. Its popularity spread to the world after being featured on Ed Sullivan's weekly TV show.
entra y mira no te vas a arrepentir! muy buenos recuerd...
Topo Gigio on the Ed Sullivan Show. I used to go to bed right after this. He said "Kiss me good-night". Look how adorable his little bedroom is with the crocheted bedspread and the tiny candle.
iG - Últimas notícias, fotos, vídeos, esportes, entretenimento e mais.
Um pouco de alegria da minha infância. Os 40 anos do Topo Gigio no Brasil. Blog do Curioso, por Marcelo Duarte.
This is one of my earliest memories of a TV show. Loved watching Topo Gigio on the Ed Sullivan Show.
Topo Gigio "A la camita! A la camita! ..... Lo dije yo primero! Lo dije yo primero!" memories.......