
15 Pins
“Sh*tty Mom”: A Book to Keep Us Laughing
Not your average parenting book, Sh*tty Mom offers a humorous look at what its like to be a mom. I wanna read it
The Shadow of the Wind|Paperback
"You will not be able to put it down until it's finished. I read all of it in a twelve hour lay over at CDG."
28 Totally Relatable Quotes About Books
I should have this as a reusable book cover, and then also on a case for my nook... Just for those people who like to start conversations with me when I'm obviously reading :)
10 Must Read Books For Every Young Professional Woman - Paperblog
10 Must Read Books For Every Young Professional Woman... Gonna have to look into some of these books!
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«I need to be alone. I need to ponder my shame and my despair in seclusion; I need the sunshine and the paving stones of the streets without companions, without conversation, face to face with myself, with only the music of my heart for company». —Henry Miller, Tropic of Cancer
52 - CARLOS RUÍZ ZAFÓN - La sombra del viento
Un amanecer de 1945 un muchacho es conducido por su padre a un misterioso lugar oculto en el corazón de la ciudad vieja: El Cementerio de los Libros Olvidados. Allí, Daniel Sempere encuentra un libro maldito que cambiará el rumbo de su vida y le arrastra a un laberinto de intrigas y secretos
Charo Velázquez Ψ (@CharoPsicologia) on X
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Dulces Frases #5 Bajo la misma estrella
Dulces noches de lectura: Dulces Frases #5 Bajo la misma estrella
El Juego del Ángel de Carlos Ruiz Zafón.
El Juego del Angel de Carlos Ruiz Zafon.
La sombra del viento (The Shadow of the Wind)|eBook
La Sombra del Viento $13.99