
582 Pins
Zesty Lime Shrimp and Avocado Salad
Ensalada - camarones, aguacate, cortado en cubitos cebolla roja, tomate picado, aceite de oliva, jugo de limón fresco, cilantro, sal y pimienta
Salmón al horno con salsa de cítricos y jengibre: Receta
Salmón Horno con salsa de cítricos y jenjibre.
Ensalada de quinoa con aguacate y salmón | Robot de cocina Mycook
Ensalada de quinoa con aguacate y salmón para #Mycook
Easy Peruvian Shrimp
Easy Peruvian Shrimp by gimmesomeovoen: This recipe takes less than 15 minutes to make, and it's full of delicious bold flavors... #Shrimp #Peruvian #Quick #Healthy
Poached Salmon in Coconut Lime Sauce
Poached Salmon in Coconut Lime Sauce in a black skillet, fresh off the stove ready to be served
Teriyaki Salmon Bites
el almuerzo-210 calorias; salmon teriyaki! añadir algunos verduras y que sea un almuerzo saludable
Honey Garlic Salmon - Rasa Malaysia
Honey Garlic Salmon – garlicky, sweet and sticky salmon with simple ingredients. Takes 20 mins, so good and great for tonight’s dinner |
Salmón asado con salsa de aguacate - Recetas de Laylita
Salmon asado a la parrilla con salsa de aguacate
Baked Salmon in Foil (with Asparagus) - Cooking Classy
4 (6 oz) de salmón sin piel, filetes sin piel 1 libra de espárragos 1 Dill, Fresh 2 dientes de ajo 1 limón Alimentos horneados Y Especias 1 Sal y pimienta recién molida negro Aceites y vinagres 2 1/2 cucharadas de aceite de oliva
Blackened Fish Taco Bowls (healthy dinner idea) - The Chunky Chef
Blackened Tilapia Taco Bowls - Taco bowls get a healthy twist with the addition of spicy blackened tilapia filets, garnished with buttery avocados and a splash of fresh lime juice!
Seared Fish with Beets and Broccoli
Seared Fish with Beets and Broccoli | Martha Stewart Living - Cod, halibut, or mahi-mahi takes well to a rapid sear in a preheated skillet. The vegetables take a little longer to cook, but their deep, caramelized flavors contrast wonderfully with the succulent fish.