
This may contain: fruit salad with dressing being poured onto it in a glass dish on top of a wooden table
¡Esta es la mejor ensalada de frutas que jamás comerás en tu vida!
This may contain: a bowl filled with pasta salad sitting on top of a wooden table next to a green cloth
Ven a aprender cómo hago esta ensalada de fídeos súper fácil y cremosa, ¡aquí en casa no sobra nada!
This may contain: a hand holding a spoon with dip in it and the words dip de ajo above it
DIP DE AJO - receta de @denissemct
10min · 11 servings Ingredientes • 2 cabezas de ajo • 50 gr mantequilla (puedes poner poquito aceite para que no se queme) • 1 queso crema (190gr) • 1 taza de crema fresca • Sal al gusto • Decora con cebollín y chile serrano
This may contain: six hamburger patties on a baking sheet with tomatoes in the background
Cutlets for dinner 🤗
Cutlets for dinner 🤗 Ingredients: minced meat: 1.5 kg (3 lb) eggs: 2 pc garlic: 20 g (0.7 oz) red bell pepper: 1 pc onion: 2 pc carrot: 150 g (5.3 oz) potatoes: 3 pc dill: 20 g (0.7 oz) parsley: 20 g (0.7 oz) salt: 6 g (0.2 oz) black pepper: 5 g (0.2 oz) sweet paprika: 5 g (0.2 oz) salt: 5 g (0.2 oz) The salad: cabbage: 200 g (7.1 oz) salt: 4 g (0.1 oz) boiled beetroot: 1 pc carrot: 100 g (3.5 oz) canned peas: 100 g (3.5 oz) oil: 10 ml (0.3 fl oz) onion: 1 pc red bell pepper: 1 pc garlic: 10 g (0.4 oz) OVER MEDIUM FIRE: 5 MIN parsley: 20 g (0.7 oz)
This may contain: there is a white plate that has some food on it with words written in spanish
Sorprende a tu familia con esta deliciosa receta saludable
Comida Saludable
This may contain: meatloaf with mashed potatoes and parsley on the side in a cast iron skillet
Cena navideña @chefcitolindo2021 Instagram
This may contain: someone is picking up some bread with pesto on it and sprinkled with parsley
Bajar de peso Saludablemente 🌱
Amazing content by: Créditos: food.qood 📌Wrap de huevo, queso y tomate 📝 Ingredientes para 1 persona: ⚡ BAJA DE PESO SALUDABLEMENTE H̳A̳S̳T̳A̳ 1̳1̳K̳i̳l̳o̳s̳ E̳N̳ 3̳0̳ D̳Í̳A̳S̳ ÚNETE AL “RETO” Recetas Saludables🍳🥬 Sana Vida⌛️, Prepara Saludable🍓🥦🥑🍍🍒 🌱Salud ♥️ 🌱Bajardepeso 👗 🌱Adelgazar 🤩 🔽 Síguenos para más tips e 📌@inicia.una.vida.mas.saludable l